7 Tips for Handling a Pet Emergency


When a pet emergency arises it is vital that you know how to handle the situation. With our emergency veterinary services – Animal Health Partners, we have a list of 7 tips for handling a pet emergency to help you next time a pet crisis occurs.

Don’t Panic

The first tip comes from the owner and is probably the most important as a tip for handling a pet emergency. If you are not calm during a pet emergency then you are likely to make decisions that could worsen the situation.

Have an Emergency Plan in Place

Even if you never feel that an emergency will happen, you should always prepare for the unexpected. Know your nearest emergency vet and the signs and symptoms of a pet emergency.

Be Cautious

An emergency situation can be stressful for pets too. During an emergency situation, your pet can act out of character which can cause them to behave irrationally. You should approach your pet cautiously in case they try to bite.

Understand How to Handle Your Pet

If you need to transport your pet to bring them to the emergency vet, then you should handle them with extreme care, especially if you are unaware of the damage that has been caused. Try using a make-shift stretcher that can relieve any further pain by picking your pet up.

Know Basic Pet First Aid

You should have a list of basic first aid steps you can provide to your pet if necessary. For example, you should know how to control blood loss if your pet is suffering from a trauma that is causing blood loss. If you are sure, contact your vet for advice.

Comfort your pet

Your pet will likely be scared in an emergency situation, therefore, it is essential that you are there to provide comfort to them and try and alleviate any stress they may be under.

Contact your vet

This is the most important step you can take, whether it is an emergency or not. Contact your vet to prepare them if it is an emergency or to seek advice on what to do.

Registering at an Emergency Vet Near Me

Not only should you know who to call for a pet emergency but you should also be registered at an emergency vet near your location. This is essential if you run into an emergency as you may have a limited time to get to your vet. As a part of your pet emergency plan, make sure that you are registered and your vet provides 24-hour emergency pet care.

Who to Call for Pet Emergency

If you notice signs your pet may need emergency care then it is vital that you know who to call for a pet emergency. You should have a contact number listed of the emergency contact for your vet and be certain that this is a 24-hour number to call in.

If you are just looking for veterinary advice for cats or dogs that do not constitute an emergency, then you should contact the veterinary practice directly and await the advice.

Call Animal Health Partners Today for Your Pet Emergencies

Whether you need to register for a veterinary clinic, need advice for your pets, or have a pet emergency, pick up the phone and call 416-380-7400 to reach our clinic today.